Alterations and Repair

Tailor Sydney

Tailoring is making a custom fitted garment, specifically designed for an individual and their particular build. This gives the best possible result for every person. Very few individuals have the ideal / generic build that most off-the-rack clothing is designed to fit. Most individuals benefit from custom suits because these suit accommodate individual differences and compensate for a shorter / taller wider or thinner build.

Perhaps everybody should have at least one custom suit for more formal events.

Alteration Sydney

Alterations are less extensive changes to a suit or garment. They are usually concerned with how a piece of clothing fits and will alter one, or maybe two aspects of the garment. This can be anything from taking up a hem to bring in a waistline. It would only be a slight exaggeration to say that alterations on an otherwise well-fitting garment is the next best thing to a tailored suit.

Occasionally an item of clothing is altered in order to change its appearance rather than its fit.

Clothing Repairs Sydney,

People rarely bother to repair cheaper clothing; often they are content to simply replace items. But good quality clothing, or anything that is hard to replace, is well worth maintaining. If your clothing is damaged through misadventure it can usually be repaired, often without the damage being noticeable.
